Quote Ski="Ski"This is my major issue with HD gaming. As a kid, I had to play on a tiny screen. It was only after much begging and pleading when my dad bought a new TV for downstairs could I get a "downstairs telly" to play my games on.'"
I had to use the downstairs telly all the time when I got my first comp (speccy 48k), as we didn't have any other TV's in the house and only got a portible B&W to put upstairs as part of the rental package for a newer colour TV in the late 80's. Our main TV was a B&W in the front room during the early 80's until we got one of my grandads cast off colour TV's, which didn't last long before slowly getting that strange red hue of a dying tube, before going pop, which prompted us to 'upgrade' to the rented colour TV (god, I'm making us sound poor!

I remember getting my own portible colour for my 13th or 14th birthday. This was in the days of the Amiga and previous to that me and my brother had to make sure our teams in sensi soccer where in light or dark coloured kits otherwise we'd end up not having a clue who was who on the old B&W portible.
Now if I could just find my pipe and slippers......................
*Edit - Do they even do TV rentals these days? The lost art of the Big Telly, Little Telly, and VCR rental package.