Quote Hutchie="Hutchie"Seen as this looks like the new phone thread
Looking for decent deals on PAYG sims or non contract ones(ie O2 simplicity), mainly for texting , dont want to pay more than £10 a month
Just for the kids, got one an 02 at the mo, got 300 free texts when topping up a tenner but need one for the other one
dont need any data allowance, theyre not getting let loose on the net yet
any recommendations??'"
I'd recommend you put them on a SIM only deal.
At Three they can do 200 minutes, 5000 texts, 500 MB of data a month at £6.90 on a SIM only deal. And the big, big, big thing they can do is cap it! No other network can offer that and what it means is peace of mind for you. It's a zero credit allowance meaning your kids can't accidentally wrack up any surprise bills!
Now there are PAYG options - £10 top up would get you 100 minutes, 5000 texts and 500MB of data but you can't cap it, you have to constantly top up and it's poor value for money when a SIM only deal you get more for your money, it's cheaper, you don't need to bother going into stores/online/ATM's etc to top up it comes out as a direct debit and the huge peace of mind for you is the fact it can be capped - you know only £6.90 will come out of your bank account - the equivalent of around £1.70 a week?
It is a 12 month contract on that SIM only but consider it. It's only for a year and like I said it's better value for money (more minutes etc), cheaper (£1.70 a week compared to a £10 a month) and you can cap it so no surprise bills (which you can't get on PAYG).
Hope that didn't sound too saleslike

I do work at Three but that's the advice I genuinely give customers who are in your situation. Hope that helps.