Quote Cronus="Cronus"What's your opinion on cig breaks? Way back in my office days it would drive me potty watching smokers saunter outside for a smoke once an hour for 10-15 minutes while the rest of us carried on slaving, and then take a full lunch hour.
One girl started taking 'fresh air' breaks and was threatened was disciplinary.
Workshy and stunk of cig smoke.'"
What cig breaks

Not if I had anything to do with it. You have your break when you're supposed to have it because there is a reason to have it then and not before/after or longer! if one elects to have a cigarette during that time that's a choice but extra breaks, no fecking way pedro... People are so selfish, hearing the usual "well i've finished my workload/task or "I'm ahead of myself" b0llox, yeah right. 95% of the time is because you haven't done it right/to the std or you've just not done it at all and the best one is when there's clearly a colleage having a bad day of it and you've opted out of the 'working in a team' bull$hite you probably spouted at interview..as per usual grrrr.
Even then if you can't change into your civvies before-hand and back again into your uniform/protective clothing/PPE in time then tough, no ciggies for you me old mucker. It isn't my fault the fag shelter is X minutes walk away though one place I went to close a contract down had a cigarette room inside the building FFS!!
Personally people stinking of smoke in a workplace environment IS anti social, it's unpleasant at best and for some people it makes them gag at the smell of it. I would address it the same as I would address someone with bad body odour but less subtly and if company policy had allowed it i would find a way to hand out warnings.
Amongst many other things I was a bit of a sorter-outer for my company. Got a bit of a rep I guess because I wouldn't stand for people being at work and treating it like a permanent Butlin's holiday

one of my nicknames was Mr P45

. usually because middle/senior management were bottlers and HR was effectively a non entity with regard to discipline. When covering site managers it'd annoy the hell out of me seeing how slack/slapdash the operation was and could understand why things were so pants in every way possible and one of the main reasons why a contract may well not be retained. Often I'd walk down to the local job centre after the 2nd day and ask them to weedle out some people for me to interview over the phone for X position/s because I'd be certain to be one or two short by the time the manager came back off his/her holiday not to mention changes I'd made in their absence.
Lots of phone calls and a few words exchanged but frankly i couldn't give a flying feck because clearly you weren't doing your job properly and it took me all of 2 weeks to sort it for you, you lazy bstd.
Sadly I saw lots of the self same thing going on around me from some very big companies that we provided our services to. it's endemic and I think progressively getting worse. I've worked with some amazing people over the years, sadly they are outnumbered and often treated like outcasts for being dedicated and good at what they do