Quote the fax in asia="the fax in asia"Is this going to be a tit for tat boring thread,
The HRLFC directors have been cleared of any underhand dealings. If the FC HT 'fans' come on here we should just ignore whatever they write and not be tempted into giving them the satisfaction of getting us to retaliate, lets keep our dignity and the moral high ground.'"
There certainly hasnt been any moral high ground gained or dignity kept in this whole sorry saga if we are brutally honest.
Did the council try and get rid of the Shay as fast as they could? IMO I think they did.
Did Tony Abbott become a bit of a fall guy? I think he did if I am honest. It appears the council were quite persuasive in trying to get him to bid.
Did he deserve the personal abuse he got? No. He didnt kill anyone so IMO he didnt deserve the level of abuse he got.
Would TA have been better keeping his mouth shut? Without a doubt.
Did TA lie about certain things over the timeline of the proposed sale? He stated he had nothing to do with payday loans, it was then proved otherwise so make your own minds up.
Can we honestly say after everything has come out we would want TA owning the Shay? I dont think we can, especially after it was mentioned about selling the ground for future redevelopments.
Anyone think the handling of the non payment of rent issue was done well? Not a chance, they had and still have their reasons but it does not look good when they simply stopped paying their rent. If theres a dispute I guess at a push you could get away with it but do that and ringfence the money that should have been paid. In not doing that the club comes off very badly.
The thing is though in all this the 2 clubs have to work together to make the Shay viable and self sufficient to either the council or another buyer to safe guard the futures of both clubs and make it so eventually both clubs actually can make money from the ground other than just from gate takings. That simply cant happen as things stand with relationships at an all time low between the two clubs.