Had a great day all round, met MM and Fevgrinder in The Auctioneers, had a lot of banter with Fev Fans and never saw any unpleasantness. Great at the back door, Colin, every time someone went out into the smokers area or came back in the wind and the smoke blew inside, one old bloke and his party eating their half chicken and chips got quite cross, result? in and out more often. Blimey you don't go to Blackpool to be serious.
Does any one remember when a pub smelt worse for smoke inside, now you have to leave the "fresh air" and go inside for a breather?
Incidently Fevgrinder introduced me to a rather attractive lady "John this is my better half"
"Dave, she's better than you by 90%"
Wonder whether he's home yet.
As for the other thread, "Raising the Bar" I found it at just the right level wherever we went.
I for one would be very happy to meet Fev in the Grand final or any where for that matter.
The two most consistent tems in the Championship.
A league that could not do without one of us.