Quote mr t hall="mr t hall"Why would you care you support another city's football club
Havent read the football thread on fax as yet but it will be the usual bellends who don't represent us all.Up the fax and S.T.I.D.'"
I'll tell you why i've always supported Leeds Utd shall i ?
I was born in 1964 & in my childhood years they were a very successful team, that sort of thing tempts you in doesn't it ?
In my time watching them, i've seen them play in various european competitions, including being in attendance at the champions league semi final not many years ago. I've seen them win what is now called the Premiership league, again, not many years ago and if you Halifax RL fans like your drama, Leeds Utds' can rival and multiply anything your history can throw up.
And for all you know my friend, I could have been born in super Leeds, therefore that wouldn't make them "another city's football club"
On the subject of footy, your HTFC/FCHT whatever you're called now, provided a marvellous piece of transfer business by selling Vardy on. Yesterday he made very many footy fans very happy, THANK YOU