Quote the fax in asia="the fax in asia"Faxcari am not disagreeing with you , however how many SL clubs have junior/ reserve sides?
Look at the amature teams around Halifax and how many are poached to SL clubs with the promise of fame and fortune only to find it was all whitewash and they are disalusioned into leaving the game,
As you point out we will never compete international level until imports are restricted, however arguably 2 of Fax outstanding players are Aussies, could home grown talent compete with them ? Maybe if we were full time.
I am not aware of how much 'proper ' work imports do, as they are not supposed to have work permits other than playing for their club, to my understanding, that is not to say they do not work, but being a liaison officer is not as arduous as being a bricklayer, gardener or window cleaner'"
We're just talking rugby on a forum mate and it makes a change to be able to exchange views on something other than picking MOM.
There's loads to be thought about and said on this topic.
SL clubs should benefit from having a reserve set up as they should be able to bring through enough talent into their first team ranks, this will rely on a number of things one of which is their junior / reserve players competing at a good level week in week out, not play a week miss 2 or 3 and play then again or be sent out on DR to any amount of other different clubs

and on the subject of the "stain of the game" that is DR if more SL clubs had reserve sides then there would be less need to farm out players to other clubs just to get a game.
The existing SL clubs who have reserve set ups should be putting pressure on the RFL and the other SL clubs to all comply so they get this level of competition.
To fund it instead of spending on overseas players spend some of it on home grown talent especially if you believe some of the amounts that are being banded about for these so called "marquee players".
There's an argument on the admin side as well as there's a lot involved in bringing people in from half way round the world and often a big gamble that could be avoided.
Even with Fax it will be less likely to see the likes of Mitch and Adam at the club if we start to produce our own.
I feel a chant coming on.
(He's one our own, very near his home, he's one of our own, not out on loan, he's not come far and he's not DR

Although you can't prevent scouts moving in onto your patch and signing up young talent the more SL teams who have junior / reserve sides the less likely it will be that they want your lads as they will have more of their own, that must also be more beneficial to the likes of us!