The reason I don’t want them in the league is simple, they haven’t got the support the solid base of fans to exist as a SL club, without the funding and money being pumped into the club they would fail, the RFL cant get enough interest in Sheffield, North Yorkshire, even London are looking shocking in the attendance scheme of things. So why waste probably millions in a area destined for failure at the minute. I also think RL is the most dynamic impact game in this country, but you also have to realise after 100 years of playing the game the M62 corridor is still its life blood, for whatever reason the country hasnt taken it to their heart and in all honesty probably wont now, people cannot have RL thrust upon them like in wales, they have to grow to love it, enjoy it for its skill levels needed in both attack defence and the strategies employed. The welsh prefer RU fact southern England prefer RU fact.
I went to Cornwall last year, my son went into a sports shop and bought a lovely Cornish pirates RU shirt, I was chatting to the bloke in the shop and he'd never seen a game of RL. this is someone who coached RU locally. We are a minority sport in so many areas, National TV. National press in many ways. Expansion yes but a progressive expansion, where teams have to earn their place in the SL not a god given RFL right. Not placed in front of teams that can offer more to the sport, to the spectacle. This is where we will disagree to my last breath. As a note I never said anything about their away support being relevant to ANYTHING you did, I stated it was disgusting and it is, what part of that are you struggling to understand??????????? try to stop restraining yourself, let it out, i promise i wont go whining on and on and on like some touchy Homosexuals i know of