Quote jools="jools"60k isn't much for a record breaking top try scorer. I agree cas were rather tight there.'"
He was also a gamble when Cas signed him and this was his first season he really looked like a record breaker (with thanks to Dorn/Gale/Webster). For all anyone knows the club might have been planning to offer him an improved contract/extension next season however when a player comes demanding more cash or they'll walk out on their contract its one way to quickly stop that from happening.
Quote jools="Lebron James"You only need to check their website to see how professional they are. Compare it to castlefords which looks like the work experience lad made with Microsoft front page to see the difference between the 2 clubs.'"

I know the Cas website isn't all singing all dancing however if you believe the Sharks website is professional you're clueless.