Quote G1="G1"Hetherington didn't push for a fee.
In the article it says GH would've considered [ieither [/ipushing for a fee or putting Pratt in the 20 man squad but Pratt taking the matter to a tribunal brought the whole thing to a head.'"
I noted that on this article, but I don't know whether he made a claim stating he wanted a fee previous to this. My guess would be that he did. He would have been aware of the bulls sniffing around and would have probably fired a warning across their bows saying he's contracted to us and we want a fee, otherwise Pratt wouldn't have needed to go to a tribunal to get his contract cancelled.
i've already been put in my place by TVOC once, I don't intend to supply him with further ammunition even if you want to. Whether TVOC (or others) has kept his powder dry to use that ammunition I shall wait on with anticipation