Mullally....why is it he seems to be one that I continually forget about?? He was actually getting a lot of gametime at one he injured now? (Not that he is any great loss).
From the little I have seen this season (and even less so now - and in the future - apart from online) I have to say the lucky signing of Segeyaro has probably stopped the club from suffering a likely relegation. Even with him in the team, the team looked far from convincing against HKR a couple of days ago. Without him and his two typical hooker's tries it aint looking good is it?
The positives this season are few: so many team members seem to have gone backwards. It [uis[/u good to see Watkins apparently back to some semblance of his good attacking ability; no doubt partly because he is no longer having to cover for too many HB's on the field at the same time in defence. However, it seems to be also partly due to the much better attacking FB we have in the shape of Liam Sutcliffe. I have always defended Hardaker, but it is very noticeable the difference Sutcliffe makes in attack: he actually links and passes. I confess he has surprised me in his new role and I would suggest FB is his better position. His defence isn't too bad one on one either. Let's hope Hardaker and Segeyaro stay where they are presently incumbent.
Burrow to me still seems more valuable than McGuire this season, but both are well past their best. Making McGuire captain was the mistake that many suggested it would be: he just does not have the temperament. If the club was even in a position to let both go then who would the club recruit? AGAIN it seems the club has left it far too late to make any top notch worthwhile signings. A 'controlling' HB should have been and is a priority.....on the assumption we keep Segeyaro of course. Otherwise hooker remains the absolute priority. However, it looks like we're buggered again for 2017 especially if Segeyaro returns to the NRL.
I wonder what excuses could be used for the 2017 start without SPOTY, The floods and the NZ friendly
As for the forwards if we do allow/compel JJB, Ablett, Achurch (wholeheartedly agree), Garbutt, Cuthbertson and Galloway to leave where the hell do we get their replacements from? IMO I cannot understand the criticism of Garbutt: he seems to be our best yardage maker and does exactly what a prop should do. Galloway seems to have settled into a role again consistent with what a prop should be doing. Cuthbertson does seem to have gone backwards, but again if we let him return to Oz because of rumoured homesickness then were is our replacement to be found? Ablett similarly if we allow to retire from the game because of rumoured wishes to do so, where again is our replacement to be found? JJB surely will call it a day at the end of this season: Ward effectively will be his replacement (hopefully - we have yet to see how he recovers of course). Keinhorst remains good cover and should definitely be retained. Singleton remains good enough.
At the very least in 2017 we need that good game controlling HB (exchanged for Hardaker?); the retention of Segeyaro .....and that new coach of course

Otherwise we [u[iwill[/i[/u be in line for championship footie in 2018 (can't believe GH will find the same luck again with another Segeyaro saviour in 2017)