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| I have noticed a bit of a worrying trend. First off, we should all be delighted at the 2011 Bulls finally showing what they can do. We nilled a fantastic side. A guy two rows back from me went "about b###dy time we did that", without taking any joy whatsoever in what he'd just witnessed.
This has carried on with certain posters on here, who seem almost unhappy at the win as it doesn't fit in with their points about us being garbage. Also, an outstanding effort from Herbert has led to a thread being put up calling from him to go?!
We all have the right to say when things are going wrong, the Bulls non-attendance at Hudds led to me going on Radio Leeds to tear a strip off them (I got an apology at the Cas game the week after from Mick Potter who heard about it). But they've finally given us reason to be proud, and with the performances of the younger players, (Herbert included) hopeful for the future. THAT'S how good we were on Sunday. One swallow doesn't make a summer but after 2 years of very little to cheer for lets make the most of when we get a chance.
Get back to liking the team you probably claim to others that you love.
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| Mick Potter always said that this was a team in progress. I doubt after 20 odd matches you can say we are the finished product. There has been some ups and downs along the very short journey so far including a horrendous injury list but as players are returning and beginning to gell the next factor is confidence which should have helped considerably last sunday. Whilst I wont be bold as to predict a win against warrington or wigan I do believe we are in with a good shout of winning the remaining games should we believe in ourselves and perform to a level as that displayed against Huddersfield.
I dont believe there is any need for wholesale changes for next season and I for one would be delighted if Marc Herbert signed a lenghthy contract!
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| One thing that always 'hacks' me off during games is that the individuals with their opinions (which is fine by the way), continue to criticise individuals when they are playing well. Example........
Bulls v Cas - Sykes was having a blinder, solid defence and the whole team was playing well. I think it was Sykes that threw a (blatant) forward pass, which was given, and an individual behind me started shouting abuse 'Sykes your $hit', 'Sykes your bloody useless' etc.
Bulls v Saints - Herbert was having a good game, great kick for the Kearney try (beating Wellens in the air) and had an all-round good game. Second half he gave a late pass which the attacker knocked on and, same again, fella behind decided this was good enough to berate Herbert, demanding he be sent back to Aus.
I suppose I might be a minority, but when players are wearing the bulls shirt, I back them all the way. If players have a bad game then, fair enough, they get criticised. But when they are having a good game and the team are playing well - there's no need to slate any individual.
It came as no surprise that Sykes still got a lot of stick from 'certain' fans last week, even after his 2 tries. It does seem that some fans just don't want to change an opinion, regardless of a players performance (e.g. Herbert).
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| You get these people, unfortunately
There's a guy two seats on from me (yes, you in Block D Seat N98 if you're on the forum!!) who spends the entire game moaning about the team, the players and the coach. Every mistake is accompanied by loud sighing and constant comments (to anyone who is listening, which thankfully is nobody) that such and such a player is 'useless', 'should be got rid of'. When we do something good or - heaven forbid - actually score, he stays rooted to his seat, mute, with hands firmly in pockets
On Sunday he left before the end. Obviously couldn't bear to clap the team off. Yet when we've lost he sticks around to berate them as not being worthy to wear the shirt, need to be replaced etc. It's like he wants us to do badly.
Hopefully he'll get allocated to a different part of the stand next season
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| Quote paulwalker71="paulwalker71"You get these people, unfortunately
There's a guy two seats on from me (yes, you in Block D Seat N98 if you're on the forum!!) who spends the entire game moaning about the team, the players and the coach. Every mistake is accompanied by loud sighing and constant comments (to anyone who is listening, which thankfully is nobody) that such and such a player is 'useless', 'should be got rid of'. When we do something good or - heaven forbid - actually score, he stays rooted to his seat, mute, with hands firmly in pockets
On Sunday he left before the end. Obviously couldn't bear to clap the team off. Yet when we've lost he sticks around to berate them as not being worthy to wear the shirt, need to be replaced etc. It's like he wants us to do badly.
Hopefully he'll get allocated to a different part of the stand next season'"
i could nt do with that paul , that would seriously wind me up ..
they is a few like that in the pop stand near where i stand , they is one guy who does nothing but moan constantly  the thing is he really has no idea what he is on about ..
another thing you mention fans who dont even clap when the players enter the pitch or acknowledge any good play from the team ..
i always look around me when the lads come on for the warm up and for the kick off and its amazing the amount of people who just stand with hands in pockets .. seems very strange !!!
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| Quote paulwalker71="paulwalker71"You get these people, unfortunately
There's a guy two seats on from me (yes, you in Block D Seat N98 if you're on the forum!!) who spends the entire game moaning about the team, the players and the coach. Every mistake is accompanied by loud sighing and constant comments (to anyone who is listening, which thankfully is nobody) that such and such a player is 'useless', 'should be got rid of'. When we do something good or - heaven forbid - actually score, he stays rooted to his seat, mute, with hands firmly in pockets
On Sunday he left before the end. Obviously couldn't bear to clap the team off. Yet when we've lost he sticks around to berate them as not being worthy to wear the shirt, need to be replaced etc. It's like he wants us to do badly.
Hopefully he'll get allocated to a different part of the stand next season'"
Isn't that row just in front of the directors? I say that because I am on Row P in Block C, and as I look left into Block D the directors and distinguished guests are on the same row. So that would suggest your man is in hearing distance of the hierarchy?? Since you pick your seat rather than get allocated it, maybe a word in the hierarchy's ears might be in order?
Anyway, I knew it could not be me you were on about since I always clap the team on, jump up and down and make a lot of noise when we score, get animated and noisy when we are doing well, go quiet and withdrawn when we are doing crap, and generally scream at the referee and describe him as a piece of sanitary porcelain far more than is either justified or good for me!
I'm lucky in that there is no-one near me who is remotely like you describe. Far from it - they are all long-time, clued-up and positive fans, who manage to put up with my occasional (frequent?) OTT outbursts at the officials and jumping up and down (although Eddievan has FAR more colourful names for the officials than I could ever have...).
The guy you describe though seems very much like at least one character that we see on this forum. You really wonder why they follow the club (if that is what you can call it?) and what they get out of making themselves and everyone else totally miserable? Its like they regard being proved right (in their eyes) about how crap the team/coaches/club/stadium cat) are as being far more important than supporting the team?
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| Matt when you read this, does that idiot still shout #### where you stand on the popular terrace?
You know the oldish looking bloke who comes across as if he's only turned up to harass the players.
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| You pays your monies you can do as you feel.
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| Quote redeverready="redeverready"You pays your monies you can do as you feel.'"
sure, to do it once or twice, but anybody with any intelligence would stop doing it, to continually turn up pay money and "do as you feel" smacks of mental disorder along the lines of sado massochism more than basic common sense. In other words, if you are not for us, you are against us like any other Leeds or St H etc fan, so f off and support them. or go and read a dictionary to see what supporter means and follow it.
and OK on another thread but its been a busy week or so, Sorry Adey, Bernard it still is, if you look at my image, just to the left of the Club World Champions trophy is the man himself albeit off picture, Bernard he told me to call him, you have to obey. and where did I get that shirt and tie from?!!???
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| Quote redeverready="redeverready"You pays your monies you can do as you feel.'"
But not seek to inflict it on others?
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| Quote Adeybull="Adeybull"But not seek to inflict it on others?'"
Certainly not but some times you can get caught in the moment.
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| Quote martinwildbull="martinwildbull"sure, to do it once or twice, but anybody with any intelligence would stop doing it, to continually turn up pay money and "do as you feel" smacks of mental disorder along the lines of sado massochism more than basic common sense. In other words, if you are not for us, you are against us like any other Leeds or St H etc fan, so f off and support them. or go and read a dictionary to see what supporter means and follow it.
and OK on another thread but its been a busy week or so, Sorry Adey, Bernard it still is, if you look at my image, just to the left of the Club World Champions trophy is the man himself albeit off picture, Bernard he told me to call him, you have to obey. and where did I get that shirt and tie from?!!???'"
Ermm what the ballocks you on about.