Quote bulls2487="bulls2487"No chance. Keyes and Minchella will play for 1st team. As of now KR have one Halfback in Jordan Abdull,also pretty weak in 2nd row/loose forward.'"
I wasn't being entirely serious.
Although I expect Rovers to sign another halfback yet. I can't see them going into the season with Abdull, Keyes & Lewis as their only options (barring the likes of Litten, Lawler, Livett or Dagger playing out of position there). If they did sign another half, I could see Mikey Lewis playing a fair bit at Dews whilst Keyes is the main backup. The point would remain though that KR signing Keyes means potentially less game time for Lewis who is freed up for DR.
I don't disagree on the back row entirely. Supposedly Linnett is going to be moving there more permanently, and they've signed Dean Hadley, Harvey Livett and Matty Gee. With the likes of Lawler & Hauraki too, they're not short of options. I would be surprised if Elliot didn't end up with a fair few games this year though, as I'm not convinced on the quality of some of those options.
Storton I do however expect to be playing at the Rams a fair bit.