Quote Bent&Bongser="Bent&Bongser"Bongser is rooting for you, Woolly (and the other regular posters on here) but thinks that writing off unknown quantities is perilous. No one yet knows how big a squad you will have next season. Yes, 25 players may be viable (Leigh are facing their first season in SL. with only 2icon_cool.gif. But Rochdale really rattled Toulouse's cage at the tail end of last season, a season in which the latter had previously beaten Leigh, a feat that, once the early wobble caused by the Rowley-Powley rat's treason was steadied, no Championship side managed.
Best to see firstly what Monday brings, secondly what sort of squad you scramble together and thirdly what the other Champ sides bring to the table. Then targets might be more realistically speculated upon.
Bongser is hoping for something more solidly encouraging to emerge in about 40 hours time, as he is sure you all are. Until then he will just sup his ale.'"