After the news that Joe Keyes, Elliott Minchella, in particular, have gone, also Milnes and Storton, this is my last ever post on RAB. I am 100% done with this basket case of a club. And probably RL as well. I can't face watching yet another massacred team starting yet again from scratch, and in pitiful circumstances where we will clearly literally offload absolutely ANYONE, without exception, you only have to ask and they are gone. And I can't stand any more of it.
I also have serious doubts if we won't slump into the admin mire yet again, but frankly I no longer care. The club I cared about has died, and should just be closed down and put out of its misery, instead of this death by a thousand cuts.
To say I am gutted would be the understatement of the century, but enough is enough. I have the memories. They will have to do.
Anyone interested in a Premier Club ticket and car parking spot, PM me.
And that's it. Thanks for the conversations guys, it has been good.