Quote Clearwing="Clearwing"Not exactly a true statement though, is it? Fact is, there have been plenty of complaints that Hicks allowed too much interference once his initial fervour for awarding penalties had petered out.
Maybe, instead of making the usual blasé noises about refs not dropping passes etc., you might like to explain why it's unreasonable to expect a ref to perform well.'"
For the same reason it is unreasonable to expect the players to be consistent. If a players scores 3 tries in 1game, then 0 then 1 then doesn't score for the next 10 then that's inconsistent. If a player misses 6 tackles one game then misses 0 the next then misses 2 then that is inconsistent.
People are looking for consistency where with so many variables it is impossible to achieve yet all that is spouted is having a go at match officials only.
I would love to see the rules of the game applied the same for each game, but being a realist it isn't going to happen. Just like players have different skills and talents so do match officials. Teams play the opposition and rhe match officials. I remember one who had a downer on the play the ball. He blew the pea out of the whistle. Fans used to say oh it's this match official ,he gives us nowt and penalises us every time. No he didn't, the players just thought they could do as they always had done but forgot they couldn't with this one. It's not rocket science.
Players will always try to get an advantage, their are 26 of them on the field and 3 of the match officials squad,so even simple math says 1 person to control at least 8 at the same time, which actually isn't the case.
If the players want to play by the rules then there would be no need for match officials, they won't so they are needed, but they are human and will make mistakes, sometimes costly to teams, it happens, that's life.
Simple saying," the person who hasn't made a mistake hasn't made anything", yet people don't want to know. If people want true consistency, or as near as possible, look at grid iron and the number of match officials they have and they still get it wrong.
Sorry but people are looking for something that it is impossible to find. It's something that would be an achievement if it happened but I have more chance of being Pope.