Quote Kelvin's Ferret="Kelvin's Ferret"Does anybody else think the faux-concern bordering obsession of RL’s parochial tendency with attendances in London is what’s most embarrassing to RL? It creates the impression of RL as a petty, parochial sport. I’m not aware of Arsenal fans winding themselves up into a mock frenzy because attendances at Portsmouth, Wigan or Blackburn are a third of those at the Emirates. Nor am I aware of RU fans getting so obsessed about other clubs crowds, although perhaps these other sports are more self-confident and less inhibited by small time parochial concerns?
As has already been pointed out by the smarter contributors to this thread, an obsession with headline attendances carries limited information about revenue streams and the cost base. Everyone knows that Quins RL need better attendances, those who pay attention, or have been following the club for some time will be aware of many barriers in the way, just pointing out the bleedingly obvious goes nowhere.
But the big question remains; does anybody from the parochial tendency seriously believe that RL can survive as a modern fully professional sport by pursuing a “back to the heartlands, local sport for local people” strategy?'"
I agree, but to an extent I think Quins benefit from the 'Northern sport's' lack of self-confidence in its northerness. There is a perception that we need London to succeed. I want it, but I'm not sure we need it. Fans of Quins RU, Saracens, London Irish and Wasps don't think much about the lack of a Yorkshire club in the GP, every second season, I bet.
Maybe it was just because the sun was shining and we won, but I couldn't find much to fault in the matchday experience yesterday. £15 to get in, good view of the action and a nice atmosphere. Maybe franchizing (and being northern

) has made us too ready to focus on the negatives - especially fans of C-grade clubs, nervous about renewal.
What do Quins fans think, roughly, they need to be getting through the gate to remain financially viable? Realistically, what sort of numbers do you think are achievable in the short-medium term.