I saw Darren Lockyer on a plane (he was coming over to commentate on the chalenge cup final, iirc). He was a nice guy, signed some broncos merchandise we'd brought back for my little cousin.
A few of my uni frends from Leeds have bumped into Ryan Bailey on nights out in Leeds city centre. He pushed in front of one of my mates, in teh queue to get in a club, when my mate questioned what he was doing, he said something along the lines of: 'do you know who i am', and then threatened him. Another mate bumped into him in an alleyway, Bailey told him to turn around and walk away, otherwise he would batter him, my mate said somthing like: 'but i need to go this way to meet some people... and im a rhinos fan' Bailey responded: 'i dont care, turn around' ... what a nice guy...