Quote Wilbred T Pricklepop="Wilbred T Pricklepop"Well thank god that's over.
He rolled into super league and butchered the game. He turned one of the games premier clubs into an anti rugby team. A team that niggled and spoiled it's way to victory. A team that, how should I put this without getting trouble? They used 'questionable' tackling and ruck techniques (you all know what I'm talking about).
I don't know Maguire personally, he could be a stand up bloke in real life, but purely on him as rugby coach he's a tw*t of the highest order for the way he coached his team to play.
Hopefully wigans next coach will revert back to their tradition and be pro rugby like we all know they are capable of doing.'"
he did'nt butcher the game and I think most if not all clubs over here would defo have him as head coach just look at what he has done with wigan in the 2 years he was here and i think it was clever what he done.