I've kind of enjoyed this season apart from the constant shenanigans going on at Salford (my team). I'm even more looking forward to our first ever full house at Barton when Leigh bring their customary 10k away support!
We've had a thread going on our board about the middle 8's and, IMO, I can't see past a top 3 of Widnes, Hull KR & Salford (if they do end up in 9th, 10th & 11th). Wakey will be fighting over the final spot for me with Leigh and Bradford. Yes, both Leigh and Bradford have had great seasons and Leigh have turned over Salford and Wakefield (who were both on their ar$es at the time) but I can't see them having the strength or quality to win the 4 or 5 games required to make it into the top 3. Apologies to the fans of Halifax & Sheffield (or any other Championship team) but if they win more than a game each and compete with the other 6 then they'd have had a good season IMO).
If any team did make it up out of the Championship I'd like it to be Bradford. Leigh have a huge number of numpty fans who will only get worse if they get promoted. Couldn't cope with Ste, Charlie et al swamping our board every week with their drivel!