Quote Tigerade="Tigerade"They have a bit of work to do to catch up with Leigh then.
Not surprised with those figures though. AFAIK the initial allocation of tickets is based of average attendances for the current SL season :-
Leigh 6470
Wakey 4909
The secondary allocation is simply a request to supply demand.'"
I have no official figure but I'd say we to 2000+, many like myself paid on the day I know because I was in the queue with them - some from other sources.
I'm happy with that - gives us a steady six inches in the willy measuring department compared to Leigh's rather limp 4 inches. Clearly we are not in king dong territory like Cas, we can but dream. I was actually very impressed with the Cas turnout but sadly had to curb my enthusiasm when I realised half those I'd counted were indeed stewards