Quote wrencat1873="wrencat1873"I'll be there, all the way from my "pit village" supporting Catalan, easy to spot as I will leave my dog in the whippet park and be wearing the usual flat cap and clogs.
2017 Featured the top 3 supported clubs in the league and Salford and delivered 25,322
2016 Featured the 2nd, 3rd and 5th best supported sides and some obscure Pit Village side

...20,846 attended
2015 Featured the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th best supported sides and delivered 24,156.
Thank god there's no obscure pit village featuring this year as it seems to have a negative impact on attendances
Wire v Saints at Wembley for me....which will be interesting as Euston Station is due to be closed that weekend.