Quote Bigpev="Bigpev"No I actually gave the description, the "momentum rule" is an invention of Sky.....'"
Actually BigPev, not so - From Note 1 "Direction of Pass" in Section 10 "Knock-On and Foward Pass" of the Rugby Laws Book from the RFL website:
Direction of Pass 1. The direction of a pass is relative to the player making it and not to the actual path relative to the ground. A player running
towards his opponents’ goal line may throw the ball towards
a colleague who is behind him but because of the thrower’s
own momentum the ball travels forward relative to the
ground. This is not a forward pass as the thrower has not
passed the ball forward in relation to himself. This is
particularly noticeable when a running player makes a high,
lobbed pass.
I hate to spoil a good argument with facts!