from where i was stood i could hear the shed clear as a bell, it was ok not defening but clear probably give it 6/10
All the young blood / New vocal fans start on the left, they get excited, shout stuff its not a new thing when i started in the shed i was on the left for a few season when group i went home and away with numbered a strong 20+ or so on the left, over the years our numpties disapeared thankfully replaced with other lads and you left with the a good bunch of lads who know where to draw the line
Ive been in the middle since 2002 in a few years when the lads big enough ill probably have to vacate the new grounds equivalent of the shed and show him the ropes like my dad did for me and start in the northstand (Northstandender

) , to be honest in the last few years most of the lads have already vacated the shed because of lack of atmosphere / getting old / getting birds/ moving away

but for me personally ill its a big part of going to salford for me ill only leave that area when my son starts his adventure of following salford city reds.