Quote Enfield Exile="Enfield Exile"The beer at Mary Ds is disgusting and expensive. I'd always recommend having a beer in town and then making your way to the ground. There are some other places near Mary Ds that are marginally better. Eastlands Bar is better but the last I heard it had it's license removed (temporarily). '"
Firstly thank you for your concern and I appreciate you being helpful. However being a 50/50 football and rugby fan, I'd say along with majority of football fans, we tend not to care about prices and beer, we just deal with and accept what will be will be. Something I can't understand watching football far and wide, you want to watch, you have to pay the price. Yet when it comes to watching rugby the majority of fans are very negative at the 1st opportunity. If fans put more effort into moaning about thinks and being proactive supporting the club then life would be alot happier. For some reason ruby fans think they are fair superior than football fans, I'd suggest they spent following Utd/City/Bolton, then they'd realize how much it cost supporting your club! Rant over but we shall be in Mary D's buying "overpriced and disgusting" beer but hey? lets not let it spoil having fun you bunch of mard

PS. Bring on the Salford.