Right I’ve held of posting for a while but at the minute I feel compelled to, i’ve seen that people are bringing ‘Fu*k the RFL” posters to Castleford and to be quite honest the whole saga is now annoying me. There is one man to blame for the loss of the six points and that is Marwan himself, I could agree that from the outset 6 points does ‘seem’ a little harsh given the previous punishments but without knowing the full facts how can anyone comment? From day one Koukash came in and admitted he was going to break the salary cap, he did it he’s been found out – so time to take the punishment.
Do people really believe that all the disputes with players over the past 3 years aren’t down to him being a cock? Hock / Locke / Theo / TP / Hansen / Chase etc the list is endless. If your employer promised you an extra £ on top of your wages and then didn’t pay you, I can guarantee you’d be wanting to move on to.
How Marwan seems to have escaped all criticism in all of this is beyond me.
The whole conspiracy theory people have about the RFL have it is nonsensical, they probably don’t like MK very much but that’s his own doing for conducting himself in the manner he has done. I agree that the RFL are a joke, the punishments and inconsistency they have in disciplinary proceedings at times is baffling to say the least.
If the RFL hated Salford that much why did they award us with two franchises?
Why did Nigel Wood persuade Koukash to buy Salford and stop us going into administration?
Having said all that this year we finally seem to have turned a corner, and the players are putting the effort in which is all I can ask. Time to stop with all the anti RFL stuff, move on and get behind the team and players. I would rather spend 80 minutes singing about Salford, than 80 minutes slagging the RFL off. Let’s stop playing the victim.
The bottom line is we all want to see Salford succeed so let’s do our best to cheer us on to a victory, and not over shadow it.
Here’s to a win on Saturday and hopefully the road to Wembley!