Quote Garrincha's Dog="Garrincha's Dog"I heard this fool too and fail to see why he had to have a go at SM. I was glad that people around him, me included, told him to do one if he didn't like it and that he was wrong to have a pop at SM. IF he has had a season ticket since he was 11 then surely he would remember the dark days of 2002 which was as bad as it gets, today was poor but far from being as bad as 2002. We don't need balloons like him and if I see him at the next home game I'll tell him so.'"
Well Garrinchas Dog, twas I and a certain Mr Flying Biscuit that had to point out the errors in this misguided gentlemans argument,
Whilst I understand his deep disappointment in todays performance, all we attempted to do was point out that he was being an ar'se trying to lay the blame at SM's door, the very chap that saved the club from oblivion, helped us to obtain a top class stadium and a proven coach.
So at the next home game, if he does show his face, please make yourself known to us and we'll all point him in the right direction.
He did make a dull afternoon a little more entertaining though.