Quote Prop9824="Prop9824"Totally agree mate, I was at other end, shame game wasn't on sky as they may have been able to find the thug through video footage, it has ruined the clubs very good family image,,
The other side to it was it probably stopped momentum of game and change the whole dinamics and mindset and focus of our players as the first 6 mins of game we looked solid,
There is a flip side I will never be taking my family to that Widnes hole again, the behaviour of grown men women were shocking, I understand it's there cup final, but such language and yobbish gobbling off in my life,,
Makes me proud when I'm in HJ stadium ,great family atmosphere so at least we are doing something right,, so the act of one idiot last night ,, weed him/her out,,
I personally thought the ref over reacted and ensured his name was in all the papers this morning,, although serious it was a smoke grenade, not a hand grenade,, the stewards looked more bothered about if there was a hole burnt in that shocking pitch of theirs!!!
Mini rant over!!'"
Grow up will you. After the behaviour of your fans last night how can you call the Widnes fans. It was a replica of what happened at your place a few years back. A few idiots throwing smoke bombs. Every club has them. But what was different last night was that your fans threw objects throughout the game. Not just once. I was sat to the right of the widnes South stand. When we scored our last try a bottle got thrown and it just missed Ryan Atkins. Coins were also thrown.
By all acounts your fans were making a disgrace of themselves near the Albion pub and also the train station.
I love the Derby game. I love the fact that you's bring a healthy 2-3 thousand following. It generates atmosphere, improves our gate and makes the spectacle look that much better. 95% of your fans are great like ours, it's just the minority few that spoil it.
I'm sure none of your fans ever use tasteful language ever!'