Quote mishmash="mishmash"OK first of all I'd like to apologise. Yes you did write dimwit and I'm sorry for saying otherwise.
The reason you was banned was because of the way you reacted after receiving an email from Pete warning you about your behaviour towards other members. That's all I know about it, but what I do know is that no matter what has gone on, it's not fair to keep slating him on here.
You of all people know that I've had my own run ins with him and at times I've wanted to rip his throat out, but at the end of the day, it is his site and he does make the rules so if he says no swearing or abusive posts to other members then we just have to abide by that - or not. You chose 'not' so why not just leave it at that?'"
Thats all good with me Mish and as far as I am concerned its dealt with.
I made my decision not to retract my comment about saying the same thing again and thats that!!!
I am no longer suitable to post on Leigh Life so fair do's and I will keep me mouth shut re pete from heronin.
I still loves thee mish