Quote Leyther_till_death="Leyther_till_death"Armitstead, worked his backside off. Always a threat, twisting and offloading, and isn't missing tackles [size=150or being lazy like he was last season[/size. Finally looks 100% fit and showing the form we bought him on.'"
Think that is a bit harsh.....he was obviously carrying an injury last season (as was Donlon) IMO.....but both played - which says a lot about both their characters, and how paper-thin last season's squad was!!
It's no co-incidence that both now appear to be injury free - and both have had a really good start to the campaign!!
Matt - I know what you are driving at with the comparisons to Leafa.......but that lad was what I described as a "Serial Off-loader"!!!
I think 'Armi' weighs the options up a bit more!!