Over the last week or so I've had email corresondance with Chris Smith of LSV and I'd like to publically praise the efforts of him and LSV in dealing with it head on and professionally. I'd sent it to Allan Rowley first, as it happens their Darren had rung Allan when it was happening to tell him it was another shambles, who then raised it at their weekly meeting with LSV. Straight away Chris got in touch.
He said they were going to open up the other bar, stock them both properly, emply more staff, guide folk into individual till queues rather than having one long one, and put the game on the TV's so anyone queuing didnt miss any action.
The TV didnt quite work (it was Basils interview on a loop but I'm sure thats simply a technical thing) but everything they said they would do they did. There was a small problem with the 2nd bar - only one lass could serve beer for some reason which held things up a bit but on the whole the result was quicker service and less folk grumbling. Well not me anyway. Pretty much straight in and out 3 times.
Hats off the LSV for listening and doing something about it. The club have also had better dealings with them. LSV have taken enough stick off us, me included, so deserve praise when they react positively.
I'm now on a crusade to improve numeracy skills in our schools. After handing over a £10 note for items totalling £4.80, the young lass serving had to ask her mate how much change I was due.