Quote Leeeigh Leeeigh="Leeeigh Leeeigh"AD - The IRA/French Connection UK W1gan song is hardly end of the world of course, and most probably won't stop the core of the support going - and I'm sure too, that there isn't 200 fans sat at wom cursing and wishing they could go to the game if it wasn't for that dastardly IRA song. But it is selfish of the few to claim to support Leigh but sing such drivel, when it can offend and embarress our club - especially at internationals. Such tribal songs would more than likely attract the ones we don't want (which snows balls) like against Halifax, rather than the much needed and preferable families.'"
Thats a fair enough assesment LL. The somng does not offend or upset me, but I can understand why some might be. To save offending the same people, they best not let the Sky cameras in the dressing room after the game tonight if we win.
Quote Leeeigh Leeeigh="FredParky"Onward Christian Soldiers is a fine rousing hymn we could all sing, then a chorus of All things Bright and Beautifull, Luvelly jubbly'"
You Islamaphobic pig.