Quote Vancouver Leyther="Vancouver Leyther"All the best Steve.
I’m with you on 2017 not being my best year Charlie. But the Vancouver Leythers family rung in 2018 with a Leyther theme and a homage to our UK family. We all went down to the Polar Bear Swim. My one son wore his Grandads Leigh shirt (he passed in Early April) the one with the names surrounding the number area on the back. His name is on there (Alan Fayle). Miss you Dad.
I wore the matching shirt I have, my other son wore his Grandads Leyth tee shirt that was given to season ticket holders a year or so ago by Derek. My daughter wore one of my eldest sons Royal Marines tee shirts. He lives in the UK.
We all ran in and all made it out to the bell in the bay and then walked back into shore together. My Dad, my eldest son and Leigh Centurions were represented
A toast to all the loved ones lost in 2017
2018 is our year Leythers
HNY VL - though with the time difference you may have been back at work for three and a half weeks by now.
Bongser thought that he was going to play a blinder for you by recalling that the early C19 Royal Marines wore red and white hooped shirts on deck (he thinks that he read it in a Sharpe novel - Sharpe's Trafalgar? - some years ago) but Wiki doesn't agree. BOO!
It's the thought and failing memory that counts though, eh?
All the best