I hope each and everyone one of you feel totally ashamed of the so called performance you put out on Saturday and are ashamed to look at your reflection in the mirror. The sad thing is as fans we know you won’t because you think you are above reproach.
You are all guilty of killing this club, abject, clueless, witless, couldn’t care less, pathetic, cowardly performances time after time is a killer. You show no pride, passion, bravery or interest and can’t even get the basic schoolboy rugby levels right.
What really annoys me is there are so few true fans left out there who work hard for a living and choose to spend their spare cash on a season ticket and they are being let down time after time because you lot have a couldn’t care less attitude. We pay up front and commit to watch you and it’s a shame you can’t show the same commitment to us. You are well paid and probably a damn site better paid than 95% of the fans left on the terrace. We know the season ticket is not expensive but the getting backwards and forwards to matches, food and drink etc is both time consuming and expensive for a lot of the fans but we do it – heaven knows why….
I would hope you would be too embarrassed to collect you pay packet this week but we all know that is a futile wish as you have to have a conscience to refuse the pay pack and none of you have that.
I have watched this team for a good many years and can say Saturday was one of the most disgraceful performances ever. You have nothing to offer or if you have you are keeping it very well hidden.
Gus is being slated for not selling the club and losing fans hand over fist but to be honest on this one thing I do not lay the blame of fans leaving at his feet I lay it at the team’s lack of pride and commitment, no one – not even the almighty himself could build crowds while you lot run around the field like headless chickens at best and a load of Jessies at worst and achieving absolutely nothing.
Wonder if you will show any pride or commitment on the box on Saturday – bet a few will because it’s contract time and you probably need a new job because I would hope and pray none of you get renewed contracts next year.
I am not a fan of Craig Gower but he is the exception to the rule as he tries to get the game going but with a team of lazy misfits he has a hard job and that is probably why he looks angry all the time.
Am I angry - you bet your life I am