Quote supporterAll the evidence points to David Hughes being a buffoon of the highest order & yet people on here get all bent out of shape if you dare to criticise him & his follies.'"
I wouldnt dispue any of the sentiment in the early part of the quote. I think everyone on here is critical of how the club has been run. I can understand why so many fans have left, the move to the Hive was an appalling one.
My only issue with you and Gutterfax/Molly/Jim etc etc etc (are you the same person?) is you are a stuck record? If you have given up on the Club then fine, i would understand that, but if you remain a "supporter" what is the poit on quoting the same statistcs %of fans lost and/or stating the obvious, David Hughes is a vet successful businessman who has run the Club appallingly.
Sorry i just dont get it
I have no intention of going to watch skolars or Hemel or......... I live in, (a deluded hope I know before Gutterfax/Molly/Jim etc etc etc points it out.....), hope that the Club may get a grip and move forward..........