Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"OK I will say it in simple words. '"
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Development of Ealing grasshoppers facility has already been discussed and looked at, it is not out of the question.'"
Really? Do you have any links to these discussions and specifically the bits about planning permission being sought and gained and any consultation that has been done with the residents of the local streets or the local school, some of whom have a history....sorry, DOCUMENTED history of objecting to planning requests. And Michael,you're taking the word of the owner who said "it can be developed" I suggest youo back to read the promises and projections he's delivered over the years and see which ones have come true.
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Access is however an issue.'"
Access is the number 1 issue when it comes to any development, along with a plethora of other reasons why take many years to get any sort of approval for developing the ground.
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Are those words simple enough.'"
simple and naive Michael...like their author!
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"It's not thread drift it's discussing the pitch we are going to be playing on'"
It is a thread drift, because the topic was the surface, not the location..........you naughty boy you. Watch out for the self styled moderator of truth and justice RONNIEQUIN......he'll report you to Dave on Sunday