Quote Renegade="Renegade"icon_confused.gif:
My thoughts exactly mate. Arent PNE about to get relegated?!
Anyway Latics staying up is no better for us than them going down. We have a lease and if they are in Championship then it is less important and therefore they dont have as much of a reasonable reason to kick us out or move our games about.
I think people are forgetting one other thing too. Our lease gives us quite a good legal standing. If Latics DO go bust then our lease will probably not become null and void (I hope I'm right there) and so if Auditors come in then noone can buy the land the stadium is on because of our lease on it needing to be upheld so either we would benefit from someone buying it and having to uphold our lease, giving us however long the lease now is, to build our own stadium or, the preferred option, it would give us the opportunity to buy it at a cut price and become the saviors of the Latics again giving us eternal bragging rights all over again