Quote flipper="flipper"I think that's libelous Dave, as a webmaster i would have thought you would have know better.
It was stupid what he did, without infringing Sky's copyright, i can't post the gifs that suggest it's hardly unprecedented in going unpunished.
Clattenburg messed up for blowing, after that he was damned if he did, damned if he didn't, if he saw it, when no red? if he didn't see it why did he blow?
Speaking of growing up, nice to see Mancini on good form yesterday (and toure's cynical sly knee)'"
Read the wording. it's not libellous.
Never mind other cases. Clattenburg has said that he dealt out the appropriate punishment. An arm raised to the head is an automatic red card offence. However, Clattenburg claims to have seen it all but a free kick is all he deems it worth.
He's either corrupt or utterly inept. I'll let the world make their mind up on that one. Either way he is not fit to referee.
As for the Toure knee and Mancini, I don't even know what incident you were on about even though I was there. However to try and deflect attention away from the real issue here is at best embarrassing. You'd make a good politician - corrupt!