Here we go again!!
Two games in and everyone is writing Marchy off, we have a long way to go yet! It takes time effort and a massive amount of commitment and determination from all the team to turn this around and after seeing sundays game a do feel given the situation with injuries we are moving in the right direction.
You can't judge Marchy on two games and 6 first team players out.
Like i said before he lost 6 First team players before he had even started in the job!
Then with the injury list at present with Mossy, Killer and Rawlins and a couple more, ad those to the 6 players at the end of last season an you have nearly all first team regulars out!
I know we have had the odd new signing but no one with a vast amount of experience, but i do know given the situation with the club and how much effort they have done to boost season tickets, you can't say they aren't trying to get people through the turnstyle.
Its only the second game of the season with a limited first team squad to pick from, its early days and if not anything Marchy deserves a chance to prove himself with a full fit squad and then i think the results will speak for themselves.