Quote Dreamer="Dreamer"I was not having a "pop" at a volunteer, they all deserve respect.
You said he was "perfect" - I disagreed. I think I'm nearer the truth don't you? Go on then your prob correct the wording i used "Perfect" was incorrect
If I was to compare him against all the other announcers that I have seen at Cougar park then I would put him as "average". I'm not trying to insult anyone, just being honest and I realise that it's only an opinion.
I find it curious that you feel he should be immune from criticism yet on the Siddal thread you have a "pop" at Gavin Duffy by picking him out as the only player from 17 to criticise.'"
my opinion ! you are mistaken in thinking i feel the announcer should be immune from comments of improvement

i just felt he was getting stick when he as i understand gives his time for free - i could be wrong.
A pop at Gav after the way he played on Sunday a honest opinion again i could have names a few players i normally think Gav plays well he just had a off match.