I have got the full list of non-statutory consultation replies from the planning office today. Makes for some very interesting reading! Not least of which is a bloke OBJECTING called Phil Townsend... however, as there is a Phil Townsend from an address I know who is in SUPPORT of the application I used my detective powers to work out that they were not the same person!
These stats are rough and have been done by me quickly on a calculator, so they could be a slight margin of error.
Total number of replies was 1387
Total number of those listed as objecting was 1114
Of those objections, a staggering 700 were from outside Wakefield MDC!!!! That is 63% of all objections coming from outside the district.
The overwhelming majority of the objections from outside the district came from Methley/Mickletown.... surprise, surprise!!! It would appear that someone has a Kent connection as 10 objections came from there, within a total of 30 that came from outside of Leeds or Wakefield districts. There were odd objections from Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Barnsley etc but also just the one from Wigan!
Now, what is also interesting is the amount that came from the same postal address, I estimate that over 50% of all objections had one or more (I think 7 was the biggest number from one address I spotted) letter from the same address. Also, it would appear that many of the people that objected early decided to write again in September/October once they knew the committee meeting date. I estimate that about 20% of the objections are repeated from the same address later in the year. June Fender's (Methley Residents Association Chairman) name appears 3 times on three different letters!
The vast majority of the 250 ish support letters come from one person at one address only.
I would therefore estimate that if you tried to do a like for like analysis there would not be a great deal of difference in actual objections (taking one from each address instead of the multiple letters) against the support letters of say around 250 each side.
This bit is a total guesstimate but I suspect if you went through and actually looked at the number of actual unique objection letters (as in the many number of 'standard' objection letters that were passed around via e-mail for people just to add there name and address and send) I think they would be less than 100. The vast majority of the support letters are unique and are not copied from a standard.
It was also very interesting to note that objection from Bottom Boat was quite high but hardly anyone objected from Moorhouse and not that many at all from anywhere else in Stanley, with the exception of Newmarket Lane itself of course.
I understand that the councillors at the meeting all had a copy of this list as well and it does not take long to work out that the majority of the objections have clearly been 'prompted, pushed & coerced' out of people by e-mails, newsletters and the majority of them come from several 'standard' letter types! When you are getting 4 letters from one address in Kent, you suspect that maybe these objectors have not actually looked the plans at all and have just sent an e-mail/letter because a close relative has asked them to!
Finally, I bet if you actually compared the electoral register to the number of people who have written from each address I suspect you would find more than a handful of discrepancies... I bet a few family pets have written in as well... if you know what I mean!