A lot of cars belonging to both sets of fans got tickets - issued by plastic plod, the PCSO's, well done to them on a great money raising exercise! The majority of these vehicles were not blocking access or parking across junctions & were not in restricted parking zones...
I.R.O. damage to cars, there were a number of Rovers supporter's vehicles damaged & abuse etc directed at Rovers supporters who on the most part, were families with young children. Whilst this is upsetting & no one can accept this type of behaviour & actions, I fully realise that this sort of thing can & unfortunately does happen, it is (thankfully in our great sport of Rugby League), a minority who do this & is no way a reflection on whoevers club these sort of morons are supposedly supporting.
With this in mind, I am NOT having a dig at Wakefield fans as usually we all have a great time, great banter etc whether it is at games between our great clubs or at Magic weekend or Challenge Cup final - all clubs whether it be ourselves at Hull KR or anyone else, Leeds, Hull FC, Warrington etc, have their bad element which cause trouble & can give the respective clubs a bad name - all I am saying to (albeit very few) fans on an earlier thread on your forum who said that Hull KR fans are a 'Disgrace to rugby' is those in glasshouses should not throw stones.
Unfortunately for all clubs, trouble making fans are a problem & perhaps the best way to put a stop to them is for their own fans, if they know them (as if they'd want to admit to it), is shop them to the respective authority whether that be the club etc!
Now I've got that off my chest, all the best to Wakefield in the playoffs, I have a feeling you'll do pretty well... Would love to think Rovers could get to GF but ....

Aslong as it isn't Whinos v Stains final again, as a rugby fan I'll be happy...