Quote TRB="TRB"If you have a problem with the moderation - PM one of the moderators. Public criticism of the moderation process is not allowed - read your AUP.
Oh, and fwiw, having an opinion which is broadly in line with the BoD, or with anyone else for that matter, is just having an opinion - most of which disagree with your own. But if you wish to continue stating your opinions - please continue....
Are we allowed to praise the Mods in public? Risking a banning

, I never see it said but I think the way we conduct ourselves on this forum is far better than the others I have looked at. Might seem tough going at times but we do still all get chance to say what we think and the mods keep it reasonably on track and above the 12 year old bickering most of the time.
Now we have no games to talk about (with exception of the young lads in the GF) we are bound to get a bit bored and snipe at each other but overall this forum is a good discussion forum. Lets let the mods keep it that way.