Quote PopTart="PopTart"Although the discussion has actually been dragged to a reasonably sensible discussion in the last few pages (well done guys!) I think we still missing the point.
The remarks to Thomas are not just a problem for Thomas, and I'm sure he is man enough to take some grief.
[uThe point to Wakefield is that it creates an atmosphere of exclusion.[/u The crowd appears to be full of bullies who identify and pick on those they see as different and react in an aggressive way.
What those people shouting may see as banter, [uthe people in the crowd with young families, or are in fact gay, or have been bullied in the past, or are simply not happy with an atmosphere where it is not just about enjoying the game will start to stay away.[/u And that, I assume, quite large group of people, not coming back to the ground would hurt the club badly.
[uWe talk about the Wakefield family when we are supporting each other with issues like serious illness and unfortunately death,[/u yet if we act like a the small number of Cas fans quoted in the original story, we are acting like a family of ASBO kids and people will stay away from that family.'"

You make some good points and i have to say "if" we have a problem then i would rather "remove" the problem than lose out to such people in the long run, the club and the game are far more important than a few "run offs" who feel they can abuse players and fans a like.
The problem is how do you define abuse/banter, some people have different values.