Quote M62 J30 TRINITY="M62 J30 TRINITY"Didn't we take down the west stand straight after the Bradford fire thinking it would be condemmed then only to realise after we could have kept it, not sure if true but thats the tale doing the rounds at the time and after the South bank carry on very believable. What about the floodlights we were told we had to replace them in late 80s for saftey reasons while other clubs close to us under the same council with floodlights in worse condition could keep theirs, is that true?'"
My step-dad was principal electrical engineer for WMDC at the time, and he was the one that insisted on the floodlights being pulled down..

...however, he stated that the reason for it was that the steel piping tubes that the floodlights were mounted on were all full to the top with stagnant water which had gradually filled up over the years, and they were rotten to the core. Apparently when they took off the supporting guide wires, the floodlights virtually fell down of their own accord !!!!!
Back on topic, regarding old pictures of BV, does anyone have any pics of the massive old scoreboard that used to stand on the northern terrace ??? Me and a couple of mates were the scoreboard operators for a good few years in the 80's, and we definitely had the best FREE seat in the house up there, although it did get a bit bleak in winter