Quote Wizard crane="Wizard crane"There is more to being a SL player than having talent ,to be a great you have to have the full package ,Skill, dedication,commitment and some just dont want to commit and make sacrifices and for a young lad thats hard..been ther bought the t shirt'"
You need to be given a chance to show what you can do at the top level, if you don't get that opportunity for whatever reason you can end up with the also rans, lose confidence, give up hope and lose interest in the sport.
As many have said, there's a bloody good reason why Wigan/Leeds are at or on top of the pile, they give their kids a chance, sadly the last few years we haven't, not just one singular reason.
The lack of talent coming through/stepping up to be permanent fixtures in the last 2-3 years would suggest the youth system is failing somewhere.
We can't keep paying out for other teams youngsters as a medium to long term solution.
Aside from Shaul, there's no-one in the backs that is first choice, Logan got catapulted off in quick fashion last season, Lancaster is what, 5th choice winger, even the forwards were we are usually strong at producing young guns got barely any game time last year or the year before. Last home produced forward to debut and become a regular was either Hadley or Bowden back in 2013, who else has started to look like they are staking a claim for a forward spot?