I'm not even gonna try to understand the 'politics' behind all this.......But I cant help thinking that our city is being run by soul-less, unfeeling Philistines.
The history surrounding The Boulevard should be enough to make them think "Hey, wait a minute, maybe we should see what the people that matter actually think and want". We were all set to go back in 'some form' to The Boulevard and have a proper training facility. The Gym on Gordon St is now already a part of the club again!
I really dont get the idea that flattening the site makes it 'easier' to survey. Surley they have someone in Guildhall with Google Earth on a laptop and someone else (that doesnt mond getting their shoes dirty) with a tape measure
Oh.....and whats all this 'Acadamy cack'?.......Its a SCHOOL......and it will be as successful as all the other schools...at best AVERAGE and vandalised. All I can see for the next few years is a big empty weed covered 'field' and no plans. Another Boothferry Park !
The Boulevard should be getting used NOW......It could be utilised by existing schools for games lessons during the week.(My games teacher at Hull Grammar took us there once.....It was ace

) And then on a weekend I'm sure there are a number of teams that would relish a game on that pitch? I dont know the extent of the vandalism that had took place last year, but i know before that the changing rooms were outstanding/clean. We used the Boulevard for one of the Flash Flanagan games. That alone was a special day for both Hull and Rovers teams.
We dont need another school...esspecially THERE.....What would that location gain? the kids living in that catchment area wouldnt attend anyway.....They'd be twagging