Quote wwildcat48="wwildcat48"Fix'"
Let me tell you........ There were 8 fighters after a £5000 purse. They all wanted to win. The 'scorers' were totaly non-biased. Radders won this comp on shear guts and addrenaline. If you wanna say stuff like that, then i suggest you put on a pair of gloves (or send ya dad) and talk to Lee about it

Now..... As the chairman of Life For A Kid, the charity that Radders is a patron of, I got to take my self and my camera and my access all areas pass into all the fighters' dressing rooms at the arena. They were all pretty pumped-up and ready to fight. The Ref was one of the most respected in the world of boxing and there were plenty of supporters for all the guys in the ring. Obviously Radders had more cos it is his testimonial and home town.
The guy was suffering with flu and a stomach bug and almost pulled out after the Hauraki bout. Jewitt gave a stern test but that was all Lee needed to fire him up for Scully. When the video comes out you will all see what we witnessed on Saturday night......LEE RADFORD IS ONE HARD BLOKE! I've got all the photographic evidence to back this up. I also got a picture of him and his two boys after he'd won...... The proud family man side of this local hero came out. I printed, framed and took the photo to Lee's house last night as a thank-you for being a patron for us.
Now...... All you doubters..... Bailey BOTTLED IT...... Stanley Gene didnt train that much and gave a good account of himself, so saying that Bailey didnt have much time to train is total crap. He's an international RL forward........ at the peak of his fitness...... He was asked and bottled it FACT!!!