Hiya folks.
Do any of you have any of your old replica jerseys, trackies, hoodies, shorts, scarfs etc that you could donate to a worthy kids charity?
The Life For a Kid Foundation's charity shop is crying out for some fresh stock of sportswear. We will accept any teams colours from any sport. We have had some very varied an colourful items in the past...... From Aussie NRL stuff to Premier soccer strips. So if your drawers are getting a bit over-filled of late, and you're looking to have a clearout, then think of us at 114 Newland Ave.
Oh, and while you're looking, we will actually accept ANY other clothing or goods (toys, electrical etc) that you may feel are a tad too good for the council to take.
You will be helping a charity that is helping its patron Lee Radford during his Testimonial months. We also have Reece Lynn and Rich Whiting on our impressive Patron list ! (thats my Hull FC link

Thank You
Darren Palmer (Chairman)