Quote TrevLovesJanice="TrevLovesJanice"....the usual lame nonsense of "who's going to Huddersfield" !!!
This post is NOT asking that, but I would like to know the most BIZARRE (but genuine) excuse for not supporting the lads today.
"Having to work" is not bizarre enough - what we are looking for here is the person who has to babysit their auntie's budgerigar, [uwho's wife has arranged a weekend in a caravan at withernsea[/u, or who is sitting in a&e with a pan stuck on their head !!
As for me - we will be eating in Head of Steam (or possibly The Vulcan) and imbibing a couple of beers before walking down to the ground.
[size=150'it 'em 'ard 'ull !!